Saturday, June 8, 2024

LifeStyle - Princess in South Korea


Landing in South Korea (December 2023)

Hey beauty lovers!
I know it has been a long time since my previous post, but I'm here to give you some hot news! Princess is officially in South Korea!!!

Since my last trip to South Korea, I had this plan to move out to this country but so many things happened in my life and I couldn't make it until now. Honestly, I am so proud of myself that I didn't give up on my dream, maybe it took more time than I expected but in the end, I am here!

Well, if I want to tell you my story shortly, I have to say I got accepted some scholarship from a Korean institute to learn the Korean language in Busan, and so it's almost 5 months that I am officially in this K-pop land. It took time for me to settle down because everything was new and sure moving abroad is not as easy as you see from the outside haha. During these past months, I had some great experiences in culture and history which you can find on my Instagram account, I found lots of great friends from Korea and other nationalities and I made lots of unforgettable memories. Also, I tried lots of new beauty and skin care products which I will write reviews about little by little.

Please show your support as always, and make me heartwarming, I am here to stay :)



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